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Jessica Bachmann Photography

Jessica Bachmann Photography


Hi, I am Jessica Bachmann.

Details you might want to know...

I grew up on a farm in Mars, Pennsylvania. We had sheep, horses, chickens and even llamas.  I graduated from Muskingum College in Ohio. I am one of five children, so I know how to play nice and be polite.

I spent the last 20 years in New Orleans, and I recently moved back to Pennsylvania to be closer to my family. I travel back and forth to New Orleans often to photograph weddings, events and continue taking family, child, senior, debutante and head shot portraits while I am there. I'm a single mom to a wonderful little girl that is growing up too quickly. She keeps me busy and focused on being the best that I can be in order to set a good example for her. I enjoy spending time with her reading, playing, doing artwork, singing, having dance parties and playing at the playground.

I love running, being active, listening to all types of music and reading great works of fiction (be it in a book, blog, or magazine...whatever the medium as long as it makes me think or entertains me)!  My favorite foods are frozen yogurt and/or chocolate.  I also have an addiction to bubble gum...I try to keep it sugar free, but if I pass a gumball machine I rarely can control myself...I had a roommate in college that told me she wished she had the money I wasted in gumball machines.

I am a member of the Professional Photographer's Association, and I strive daily to recreate my work in order to make sure that no two images are ever the same. It is a privilege to participate in your life's little and BIG moments. THANK YOU for letting me capture them with my camera!

OK...now it's my turn to learn more about you. I can't wait to meet you and learn more about you and your loved ones during your session or event!


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Don Orkoskey

Member since 8 months ago
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