Pittsburgh Photography

Pittsburgh Photographers

At Pittsburgh Photography we're strengthening the Pittsburgh photographer community We're doing so through building a supportive network of photographers in Pittsburgh. Additionally, we're helping clients to find photographers in Pittsburgh. If you're interested in getting to know other photographers then join us at an upcoming event. Additionally, join our Pittsburgh Photographers Directory so that more clients can find and hire you.

Pittsburgh Photography Clients

You're ready to hire a great photographer or videographer in Pittsburgh and this is the place to find them. At the moment we're just starting to build out the website and the directory. As such, we hope that you'll check in whenever you have a project for photographers in Pittsburgh. Use the search tool below to find a photographer and/or videographer to work on your next project.

Find Your Photographer in Pittsburgh

Find a highly qualified Photographer in Pittsburgh for your project.

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Are you a Pittsburgh Photographer? Want to be listed in the directory? Sign up here!

Pittsburgh Photography Meetups & Events

Pittsburgh Photography, the website, is here to help photographers in Pittsburgh find each other, network, and build community. Of course, most of that happens offline. As such, find a list of events here that you can join. Then, come meet and get to know your fellow Pittsburgh photographers.

Capture Your Love: Valentine’s Day Couples Photography Workshop

February 14 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
WDO Photography
7120 Harrison Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Pittsburgh, PA 15218 US
+ Google Map

Enjoy this unique experience together, on Valentines Day, learn how to photograph each other, how to pose, and take home a special gift.

Find out more »
Hosting An Event?Let us help promote it!

Featured Member

Learn more about this featured member:
If you'd like to be featured as a member of Pittsburgh Photography then make sure that you're listed in our directory. Featured members are chosen and displayed randomly.

About Pittsburgh dot Photography

Thank you for visiting Pittsburgh.photography, your Pittsburgh photography resource brought to you by WDO Photography. Don Orkoskey, the owner of WDO Photography has launched Pittsburgh.photography as a community building project meant to enhance the local photography industry. As such, if you're a photographer in Pittsburgh and are interested in connecting Don would love to hear from you!

Our All New Website

At the moment this website is in its infancy. It's just a wee tiny baby website but it's going to grow quickly. It will grow even faster if you want to help! Volunteer with us and help your fellow photographers in Pittsburgh to thrive.

Why We're Here

Pittsburgh Photography is here for you. In fact, the purpose of the Pittsburgh.photography website is to provide valuable information for Pittsburgh photographers and photography clients.

If you're a Pittsburgh photographer or are interested in photography in Pittsburgh then join us. We'd love to connect you with other photographers.

Additionally, if you're a client we'll help you find a great Pittsburgh photographer for your project(s).

Ultimately, we want to help local photographers in Pittsburgh to network, find work and resources, learn from each other and collaborate.


Pittsburgh Photography is organized by Don Orkoskey of WDO Photography. Don is a Pittsburgh photographer with more than two decades worth of photography experience and knowledge - nearly all of which happened here in Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh Photography is a new project that Don began in order to meet with and network with all of the other amazing photographers here in Pittsburgh just like yourself! If you're interested in helping to organize please contact Don and let him know.

Help Us OrganizeVolunteer with us!

Write for Pittsburgh Photography

Are you interested in writing for Pittsburgh Photography? We welcome content that is related to Pittsburgh photography. In addition, content that helps local photographers to improve their businesses is also welcome. As such, if you'd like to write an article please read and follow the info below.

Do you accept affiliate links in articles?

Although we understand the desire to share products you're passionate about we're not sure this is the best place to do so. As such, we do and we don't accept articles with an affiliate link.

When We Do

Affiliate links are only welcome when they're in articles written by photographers in Pittsburgh. In addition, articles shouldn't be written just to plug the link. Please make sure your article makes sense for and will help other photographers in Pittsburgh.

When We Don't

In fact, just because you're a Pittsburgh photographer doesn't mean your affiliate links are welcome. After all, the we want to make sure that any content we share is actually helpful and reader first.

A good test is to ask yourself: is this worth sharing without the link? If the answer is no or not really then we're likely going to reject it. Therefore, try to make sure your article focuses on being helpful for readers (as subjective as that might be) before asking us to publish it with an affiliate link.

Article Submission

Before you submit your article idea search the website to make sure it's not duplicate information. Then, use the button below or visit the contact page. Make sure to include a summary of what you want to write about. After that we'll review your request and write back if we think it's a good fit. Too, we may follow up with questions.

However, if you don't hear back it means we're not going to publish it. Ultimately, as a volunteer group, we can't respond to everyone and we thank you for being understanding.

Write for Our VisitorsPlease read the information above before submitting

The Pittsburgh Photography Difference

There are other groups in Pittsburgh with the goal of helping to improve the local photography industry. As such, we applaud them and their efforts. That said, some of those groups are not as inclusive as we might like. Additionally, some are controlled by people who don't have everyone's best interest at heart.

This is where Pittsburgh Photography seeks to be different.

The Pittsburgh Photography Mission

The mission of Pittsburgh Photography is to improve the conditions for photographers in Pittsburgh while creating community and mutual benefit. To do so we believe in being inclusive, community focused over self-focus, and committed to bettering conditions for all photographers in Pittsburgh.

The Pittsburgh Photography Values

Our highest priority is improving conditions for local photographers in Pittsburgh. To do this we recognize the need for putting the needs of the community above our own. Additionally, we value diversity, inclusion, and creating a more equitable city where are photographers can thrive in their businesses.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusition

As such, we understand that we're not all starting from the same place. In addition, we don't all have the same resources, education, or opportunities. Because we understand that there is strength in diversity along with the fact that diversity intensifies creative growth, we strive to ensure that all photographers are elevated and celebrated in their journeys.

In addition to our other values, we believe that Pittsburgh, with it's historic labor, racial, and identity struggles, calls us to stand up as our forebearers did. Too, that we must call for justice where we see injustice.

To that end, we believe Pittsburgh must be a welcoming place to everyone. Therefore, if your views are unwelcoming of others we will still welcome you but we will not welcome any language or behavior that belittles anyone. In addition any demonstration of superiority or that seems to elevates any group above another is not tolerated.

Volunteer With Pittsburgh Photography

Pittsburgh Photography needs volunteers. As of now, there are not many of us. Additionally, we're building something big here. Therefore, we need help. If you are interested in making a serious impact on the state of professional photography in Pittsburgh then click the button below to volunteer.
Help Us OrganizeVolunteer with us!